Are your leaders struggling to keep all five generations in your workplace aligned, accountable, and achieving company goals?

According to Gallup, over two-thirds of all US employees are disengaged and unmotivated.

In other words, for every 10 employees in your organization, 6 of them may be checked-out and disinterested in truly helping your company succeed.

So how can you change that?

The answer is simple

-Don’t be a Boss, be a Coach.

In this groundbreaking book, industry veteran Alissa DeWitt empowers organizations to Ditch Command & Control Leadership - which limits growth and creates a toxic culture - and equips them to develop coach leaders who successfully lead and engage all five generations in the workplace.

You will discover:

  • A road map to transform your leaders from boss to coach

  • Key leadership principles that work across industries and with all levels of leadership

  • Relatable stories from real-life client scenarios

  • Effective methods to build a stronger company culture

  • Thought-provoking questions to guide you and your leaders on where to focus your attention

Only $29.99

Alissa DeWitt has absolutely cracked the code on organizational leadership. Her concept of ditching ‘command and control’ leadership and adapting a ‘coach leader’ model is one of the most brilliant concepts I’ve seen in the leadership space in the last few decades. . . . If you are serious and not just curious about how to coach your organization to the success you all deserve, then read, digest, and implement this book in your business, and you will find the success that has been evading you.

- Myron Golden, PhD

Empower Your Leadership, Elevate Your Results

The Coach Approach to Leadership couples the heart of servant leadership with the hands and feet of coaching to equip leaders and leadership teams to take their businesses and their lives to the next level.

Within the pages of this remarkable book, you’ll unlock insights and strategies that will redefine how you lead:

Uncover pitfalls

Explore the shortcomings of traditional leadership models that have long dominated organizational landscapes. Gain a clear understanding of how these models can hinder growth and potential.

Empower Growth

Dive into actionable strategies that empower your team to higher levels of success through coaching. Learn how to foster an environment of continuous improvement, where individual and collective potential is maximized.

Real-world triumphs

Discover real-world success stories from leaders who have embraced the Coach Approach. Their journeys will inspire you and provide tangible evidence of the transformative impact of this leadership approach.

Cultivate Culture

Explore practical steps that foster a thriving organizational culture. Experience the ripple effect of empowered leadership as it permeates every facet of your workplace, improving employee engagement and igniting positive change.

Achieve Goals

Discover ways to foster accountability and bridge the gap between self-awareness as a leader and providing one-on-one coaching, support, and accountability to accomplish business objectives faster and with less stress.

Lead the Change,

Ignite Transformation

This isn’t just a book—it’s a roadmap to becoming a leader who inspires, mentors, and guides. It’s an opportunity to rewrite the rules of leadership and forge a path that brings out the best in your team and organization.

Become leaders who:

  • Confidently coach, motivate, and inspire your teams,

  • Creatively and collaboratively solve business problems,

  • Effectively navigate and lead change,

  • Consistently produce breakthrough business results, and

  • Grow personally and professionally as a leadership team.

Don’t miss this chance to embrace leadership that not only meets the challenges of the modern world but thrives within it.

Your copy of “Ditch Command & Control Leadership: Transform Your Leaders from Boss to Coach” awaits. 

Seize the moment and embark on a journey that will shape your leadership legacy.



— Kristie Puffer

Chief Operating Officer, Manpower MidSouth

Ditch Command & Control Leadership is a must-read for professionals and teams seeking to enhance their performance and create a harmonious work environment. What sets this book apart from others in the genre is its practicality—Alissa provides real-world examples and case studies illustrating how the concepts discussed can be effectively applied in various professional settings. The transformative coaching program that inspired this book has personally driven my company to not only identify our own dream team but to put this concept into reality. I highly recommend it to professionals at all levels who are looking to build their own dream team and unlock their full potential.


— Jeremy Goeden

Vice President, Manufacturing Strategy and Operational Excellence

By sharing her insight around why many leadership development programs fail, Alissa sets the stage for exploring some simple but profound lessons on how to approach developing your personal leadership skills and the skills of your entire team in a way that sets up an organization for long-term leadership improvement and overall employee development. Her quote “Who you are is how you lead, and how you lead determines the culture and success of your team and organization” sums up the importance of leadership. This book does a great job highlighting the important concepts she teaches organizations to help them move away from a command-and-control structure to one based on servant leadership and a philosophy around coaching for success.


— Jeremy Rivers

Chief Operating Officer

I wish I had found this framework and book ten years ago—it would have saved me a lot of stress! I have those leadership moments where I feel I should be doing something different or better yet, cannot put my finger on it. The very practical four-step process that Alissa lays out in her book has begun to resolve that nagging feeling. As I’m applying the concepts, I’m already feeling a greater sense of confidence as I lead my team. Truly a breath of fresh air.


— Emily Keymon

General Manager, Manufacturing

In my twenty-five-year career in manufacturing, I have read a lot of leadership books and gone to several leadership seminars. Alissa’s coach approach sets itself apart from other leadership programs because she recognizes the importance of understanding the “who” of each individual leader. I have learned through Alissa’s guidance how critical this is to truly transform yourself, your leaders, and your business. Whether you are a senior leader, a new leader, or want to become a leader, I cannot recommend this book enough. These leadership concepts have truly had a positive impact not on just me and my senior leaders but also on our business.

About the Author:

Alissa DeWitt, MCC

Founder, CEO & Executive Leadership Coach at Executive Impact

Executive Impact, an organization dedicated to developing coach leaders and building leadership dream teams.

Having partnered with organizations in a variety of industries, from privately held $25-million-dollar companies to publicly traded Fortune 500 organizations, Alissa has identified what works to cultivate a high-performing and thriving workplace culture. And spoiler alert: it all starts with leadership.

Lead the change. Ignite transformation.

Embrace the Coach Approach today.


— Dana Welch

Vice President of Product Support, Komatsu

I found Ditch Command & Control Leadership: Transform Your Leaders from Boss to Coach to be a great guide for leaders. The book provides both thought-provoking insight as well as practical tools for leaders at all organizational levels. Particularly, the inclusion of real-life experiences provides credibility to Alissa’s coaching principles and is a valuable inclusion for the reader. For me, one of the most important components of her book, especially for leaders looking for programs to develop and transition their leaders, is where she addresses why many leadership programs fail to generate the expected ROI. She points to the fact that teaching leadership skills and competencies alone will not produce sustainable results and further addresses the criticality of first uncovering and addressing a leader’s mindset. This was pivotal to me as a leader, and I loved how she addressed it. This book motivates me further to continue my leadership journey and work harder on those areas and situations where I don’t always show up as a coach. Thank you, Alissa, for further inspiration to continue the journey!


Jeff Marshall, MBA

Franchise Owner, Manpower MidSouth

Alissa has successfully coached many of our managers and executives for nearly a decade. She seems to be born to help individuals and organizations improve, but clearly she puts in a lot of personal effort to make it look so smooth. The book represents her heart for and knowledge of coaching and is a clear and helpful guide to reflecting on yourself and your team’s style to begin to make positive changes. The techniques she describes align with her own coaching ideas. There is no doubt that we have experienced improved financial results in our business and have been able to grow a more effective staff and team with her valuable support.


— Cheryl Hartsell

Senior Vice President/Chief Operations Officer, First Community Bank of the Heartland

I loved this book, and it has inspired me to want to work more on being a “coach leader.” It is the glue that puts all the leadership pieces together. I have learned firsthand how impactful knowing your natural wiring and comparing it to your team can be. I’ve always believed people understand something, or buy into a change or idea better, if they know the “why.” While reading the book, I just kept thinking I should do this or I need to work on that, so I had to grab a pen and underline, circle, and make notes in the margins. There were so many aha moments. Now I’m excited to turn my notes into action plans and hopefully transform myself into a coach leader.

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